Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Working on my fitness…

If you follow me on twitter (which you really should) you would probably know that i'm on a health kick/diet of sorts.

It's something that is a long time coming and something I often break due to restrictions I give myself. I guess i'm doing it a bit different. I didn't start it in the New Year for a reason, I hate New Years Resolutions and the fact I never keep them...plus it's so much pressure.

My plan is to give myself one cheat day a week where I obviously won't over indulge but if I want say a can of coke (my absolute vice...along with chocolate) it's okay. Well now i'll be honest i've given myself 2 cheat days this week due to it being easter and the fact I had dinner at my mum and dads twice and my mum is an amazing cook! 

Other then the cheat day thing, i've cut out all soft drink (read coke...) and replaced that with either water, diet cordial or green tea. Oh i've also cut out my morning coffee.

I'm also eating breakfast everyday, something i'm really having difficulty getting used to considering I am not a morning person and eating when i'm half asleep is hard! 

I won't bore you with my entire meal plan but basically it's balanced with tons of fruit and vegetables and not a lot of carbs, and if they are their brown rice or super grainy bread. Meat wise i'm only eating fish or chicken (breast only)

So now is the whole point of this post really..... sorry for boring you with the other stuff! 

I started the 30 Day Shred which is an exercise video by Jillian Michaels (Biggest Loser USA trainer). Basically you do this video for 30 days straight and it has 3 levels which you go up each 10 days.

So today I did Day 1 of Level 1......how was it? hard! how do I feel? I HURT! 

I honestly thought I was going to die after the first 5 minutes! Man she works you hard... I think I even called her a bitch at some point!

However I will continue on and try and do it for the whole 30 days without a break. I will update on here every 5 days or so and let you know how i'm feeling and if i'm seeing any changes.

Wish me luck!!!


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