Thursday, May 6, 2010

Whats In & Out in the world of love vulcanella…

I saw Gold Dusk do this post on her blog (VISIT IT PEOPLE!) and thought it was a great idea! So i'm copying... :)

  • Cold weather is finally here! It means snuggling in bed for sleep ins on the weekend, hot tea & comfort food.

  • Masterchef! If you know me already, you know I am obsessed over Masterchef, I can't miss an episode and those I do miss get IQ'd to watch later. This also means i'm blogging less (which isn't an In at all!). I also cook worse when it's on because dinner needs to be done or something I don't need to stand over the stove and watch while Masterchef is on....defeats the purpose really doesn't it?

  • New music from my favourite band in the world... Silverchair! I unfortunatly have missed their shows with Groovin The Moo but I found some footage of their new songs on YouTube... so glad my boys are back :)

  • MAC - I'm only just recently becoming obsessed with MAC makeup and I love it. I try and add a few things to my collection once a month to build it up, it's a slow process though since everything is so expensive here and I don't trust many of the online sources because of the fake MAC out there.

  • Tights & Stockings - One of my favourite things about winter, and this winter fashion particularly is the tights & stockings trend. I wear opaques almost everyday to work in winter but I'm looking forward to finding some cool patterned style stockings as well to jazz up a normally boring work outfit a bit, and also for the weekend :)

  • Shampooing hair twice... this might seem like a "duh" thing to a lot of you but i've always ignored the directions on the Shampoo bottle and only done it once (I blame laziness more then anything). Lately however i've been Shampooing twice, and what a difference is makes! My hair is just like when I've been to the hairdresser... so happy! Shame i've ignored it for 28 years prior!

  • My Buzzz... Candle! I haven't really talked about the candles my mum and I make on here yet because I don't want to seem like i'm constantly advertising for us. However, I had to write about this candle because the smell is amazing, we have called it Buzzz.. however it's actually a dupe of the Lush scent Honey I Washed the Kids (we can't name it that for legal reasons) If your a fan, this smells exactly like it. It's a perfect smell too for those chilly nights because the honey and toffee is quite warming. My favourite thing about our little business is getting to pick the fragrances, and finding the Lush dupes was like hitting gold for me... I also have a Snow Fairy one at home (FYI it's my favourite Lush scent ever!) it's also spot on!

  • Trandesign - Not their fault however, but they no longer ship to Australia   :( They were the best online retailer for all your nail goodies in my opinion. Now it's finding a new one! Any recs please let me know and i'll be a guinea pig and try them out :)

  • My Skin! Due to the weather it's gone all dry and blah! My makeup isn't sitting right and i'm not happy with it right now. I'm trying to hydrate both my skin and myself as much as possible to bring it back to life but for some reason nothing is working. I'm going to try a mask this weekend and see if that does the trick. I need a trip to Lush to get the Oatifix mask! That did wonders last time!

  • Pay Day... no I love pay day, I just hate that my pay day is once a month. At first it was great but now I can't stand it and am always struggling during that last week! I really need to budget better.

  • Shopping. I usually love shopping and it always makes me calm and relaxed, however lately I've found nothing that I like and everything I do like is either overpriced, not in my size or looks terrible on me. I always go shopping with a vision of what I want and can never find it. Perhaps I need to go blindly in a sense?

  • Ticket Scalpers... I guess this is always an OUT for me? I don't think i'd be stressing so much over Splendour in the Grass tickets if it wasn't for these weasles! We need to find a way to regulate the ticketing system so they don't buy all our tickets to concerts... and how do they always manage to get the best seats to seated concerts? I don't know...


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