Sunday, April 28, 2013

The week that was... #3

It's the end of another week, I was lucky enough to have a 4 day weekend being able to take the Friday off after Anzac day so I was quite active on Instagram this week! 


Penny Lane was quite the #instadog this week, she had a few new jumpers come in the post that i'd ordered including the absolutely adorable Bunny hoodie... I call her Bunny so it is perfection.

- Brunch @ Circa Espresso on Anzac Day, it was quite warm so this iced tea was just what was needed.
- Found the new Essence collection at my local Target, the stand had been raided but I managed to pick up this blush.
- Baking! I wonder what it could be.... 

- If you guessed Anzac Biscuits, you'd be dead on.. Chewy deliciousness!
- Wearing my pug that doesn't really look like a pug jumper
- Annual leave days with scrambled eggs & The Carrie Diaries before my hair appointment

- Friday nights out with friends and their dogs! What a cute group :) (my 2 are in the middle)
- Makeup for a very special occasion, I went with false lashes again and if I could be assed i'd wear them more often! They make such a difference.
- My gorgeous friend Michelle got married! I was lucky enough to get to share her special day with her and her new husband.. that's sounds weird right Chelle? :)
- Much needed Sunday Big Breakfast and a delicious Caramel Latte..mmm mmm mmm

On The Blog

I was pretty excited to wake up to a tweet on Saturday Morning that my blog had been featured on Primped's Beauty Blogosphere Goss this week. Yay!

Blog posts from this week -
Nail Stuff I Like - Nail tools and nail care items that I enjoy using, in lieu of Manicure Monday this week.
Beauty Things I Suck At - A tag video doing the rounds on YouTube, I love watching these and decided to give it a shot!

Random Thoughts

- Keeping in with the theme of lasts weeks first random thought... My Kitchen Rules! I am so happy with the outcome! Dan & Steph are so deserving of the win!

- I'm 3 episodes behind on The Vampire Diaries, this is usually unheard of for me. I'm not really feeling it as much this season.. I've heard the last few eps have been good so hopefully it will reel me in again. I still think Stefan or Damon will take the cure and become human, unless this has happened already!

- Currently obsessed with the new Fall Out Boy album, I think i've listened to it countless times over the past week. 

- I can't wait to try the new Face of Australia glitter polishes, so many pretty ones!! I keep stalking my local Priceline but no bueno.

Source - Tumblr...great for all Ian Somerhalder goodness! 

I hope everyone has had a good week!


  1. I am super behind in Vampire Diaries too! Every week it gets worse and worse and I get more daunted so I never catch up arghhhh

  2. It used to be a show that I would "obtain" as soon as I got home on a Friday and not sleep until it was watched... now i'm like... meh.


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