Thursday, October 7, 2010

La La Love #3 - Random Thoughts

Helloooooo :)

So this is just a bit of a whatever post, whatever I feel like talking about... showing... etc. I'll probabaly be away from the blogging world until Monday (11th). I have a crazy weekend coming up my lovely mama is turning 50 and having a party!!! We have family visiting from interstate and i'm hosting 6 people in the tiny house I share with my boyfriend and our 2 dogs so I can't imagine i'll get much time to sit down and tell all of you about beauty products i'm enjoying, loathing or swatching.


We have ordered the Adriano Zumbo V8 Cake so i'll try and get some good photos of that (Fun Fact: my Adriano Zumbo post is one of my most viewed...maybe I should write about him more often) I'm picking it up from the store tomorrow and may also grab a few macarons while i'm in there. Why not? :)

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The party is a hat party, so you have to wear a hat and I guess the crazier the better? This is what i'm wearing... not me of course but just so you get the idea! Mine is from Disneyland so uber special of course!

Speaking of Disney.... The Venomous Villans collection was released this week in Australia. Stef mentioned this on her blog The Lip Print (go there, it's awesome) and I thought i'd weigh in with my thoughts as well. There is one character that I think is really lacking in this collection. I can already imagine how awesome her items would be if she was in it (also the fact it's my favourite Disney movie so i'd probably have bought everything with her on it) URSULA!

Seriously you cannot get more fierce then this bitch right? Maybe they should just bring out a 2nd villans colllection and just focus on her... Hear that MAC?

Speaking of love how i'm making my own little segueways into my own conversations! I'm getting a MAC Makeover on Saturday (for the party) I haven't decided if I want to go crazy with colour yet or just pretty... we'll see how I feel on the day I guess. I do know I want false lashes though :)

I'm addicted to Sun Rice Caramel Rice Crackers, thanks Ms Critique! :) I almost ate the whole packet by myself last night....thank goodness they are healthy, in moderation though!

Last Thursday I did something a little crazy, well not really crazy because it's been planned forever! I got my first tattoo! I'll insert a bad iPhone photo shortly (it's really hard to take a photo of behind your ear!) It didn't hurt anywhere near as much as I expected it to and I love it! It's been a little itchy the past day or two so i've been resisting the urge to scratch it but i've been good. I've also been scared to wash my hair and haven't for a week (Thank goodness for dry shampoo and side braids!!!). I'll have to wash it tonight though it's getting beyond help.

I like leaving you with a song on these posts, just because music is so awesome.... hence my tattoo!

This is a song my mum and I love singing in the car and she's requested it specifically for her birthday and the fact we must dance to it (even though the majority of people aren't going to like it)

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