Friday, May 25, 2012

Currently obsessed with a drink

It's cold and I think this is the perfect time to write about this little drink i've been indulging in of late!

A few weeks ago I was in freeeeeeeeeeezing cold Canberra, checking out the Groovin The Moo festival (it was fun and i'll do a post about it soon :P). The festival was around 0 degrees all day, that is not exaggerating!

My dad managed to find this miracle drink (well it's not totally a miracle, it's quite common) but i've been addicted to it ever since! It was so warming and soothing and it's so lovely to have on those chilly nights.

It's also great if your feeling a bit fluey, it'll clear you right out!

Best of all, most of the things you'll already have in your kitchen cupboard.

So all you need is - Lemon, Ginger (ground or fresh) & Cinnamon (ground or sticks) & a cup of water.

Put the ingredients in a saucepan and taste as you add, I haven't put any measurements because this is totally a taste thing! You like more cinnamon? Throw more in!

Stir and bring to the boil, as demonstrated below.... gosh I should be on Masterchef!

Once done, pour into your favourite mug, throw on your snuggly dressing gown and watch Jerseylicious or TOWIE just like I did here! Like my mug? I got it from Disneyland Paris when I went overseas for the first time in 2001! It's one of my favourite possessions :)


  1. Thank you... I have flu right now and have sent the boy out to get the ingredients.. This looks just the ticket


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