Saturday, May 19, 2012

It's Heavy

Image Source - (not me obviously)

Today I hit a great milestone in the gym, so I thought i'd share/brag a little about it.

If you haven't read my previous post on the training I do basically Saturdays for me are power lifting sessions with an olympic bar and weights... just like the image above, only I don't wear booty shorts or a crop top!

We are currently smashing our legs and i'm proud to say I squatted (like the above picture exactly) 60kgs! I only did one set of 3 and then another set of 2... My mind got in the way in between sets and the weights felt 1000x heavier, my PT told me to clear my mind take some deep breaths refocus and try again so I may have only been 2 but the fact I still went in and did it made me pleased with myself!

The other goal I hit today was my deadlift, 70kgs! Last time I deadlifted 70kgs I had all sorts of trouble and it got too much and I ended up frustrated with myself basically throwing in the towel. Today I completed my reps with good form and it wasn't as hard!

There was even a gym rat there (you know, big gym dude who looks like he lifts everyday?) he was shocked by the weight I was lifting (being a female and a shorty) and he was even doing sets on my bar with my weights while I was having my breaks! He did knock out more reps then I did but still.... He did the same weight! lol!

Sometimes all it takes is some clarity of the mind and you can work your way through it.

Afterwards I treated myself to some yummy wholemeal sourdough toast with avocado, feta and mint at my favourite cafe Circa Espresso (I should do a review on them!).

Now i'm thinking a nap might be in order this afternoon...heavy lifting makes me tired!


  1. That's so wonderful Anita. Your gym talk is what got me into it and I am so thankful that you've inspired me to be fit like yourself. I love reading posts like this as I find it to be very motivating. I also am liking blogs with food, fitness, fashion posts etc these days- so I am so glad to be subscribing to this new blog!
    Tara xxxx

    1. Thanks so much Tara! It makes me feel so good to know i've inspired you a little bit :) We will get those amazing bodies together!! That's exactly what I started enjoying as well, a bit of everything and I'm already feeling so much more motivated in my new space on the web :) Thanks for following me through!!!! CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT WEEKEND!!!


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