Wednesday, September 12, 2012

REVIEW: Nails Inc. Special Effects Sprinkle Polish - Topping Lane

I'm slowly working my way through my Sydney International Beauty & Spa Expo haul! 

Today i'm going to show you one of the polishes I picked up from the Nails Inc. stand, Nails Inc. have been a brand on my radar for awhile now and I was super excited to find out they were going to be stocked in Australia! So when I heard they were at the Expo I knew i'd have to make a purchase.

It's pretty easy to see the inspiration behind this small collection from Nails Inc. 

Source - via

The Sprinkles collection contains 4 polishes but I only purchased the one that i'm going to show you, however! Being the nice blogger I am here are some great blogs that have swatches (much better then mine as well) of the full collection. Check out A Polish Addict & OMG! Polish Em!

I picked up the colour I thought most looked like a cupcake - Topping Lane, which also almost sounds like Penny Lane (my dogs name!)

It's basically a whole lotta pink, blue & silver sparkles suspended in a light candy pink polish. This is a 2 coat wonder and the sparkles spread around the nail evenly. With a topcoat on I didn't find it too gritty like some glitter polishes can be but I have read other peoples reviews that say otherwise. Each to their own I say!

Now be warned, being a glitter, and a dense glitter at that! This is quite a bitch to get off. I'd recommend the foil method to remove this little bugger.

I liked the colour, but I didn't love it. I know I love a polish when I can't stop looking at my nails for the days i'm wearing the polish and I didn't have that reaction with this one :(

Anyway have a looksie! Now i'm not sure where they are going to stock Nails Inc but I believe the RRP is going to be around $18.95AUD (which seems to be a stock standard for higher end polishes these days)

Geez I need a manicure something bad!

Full Disclosure - I purchased this polish myself at the Sydney International Spa & Beauty Expo


  1. I love this colour, I only wish I had the nails to warrant it adn the skilly to apply it!

  2. Lizzi, If I can apply it...anyone can! :) It's really just like any regular polish but with a few "sprinkles" :)


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