Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Exciting News.... Dum Dum Dah Dum....

Sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks, i've been busy...visting cloud 9 and also got sick :( HOWEVER!

Very quickly... I HAVE NEWS!

I very rarely have news, you know when people ask you "what's new with you?" I never have a decent response to that, does anyone else ever find that?

Now I do!

I'm Engaged!

Yep my lovely boyfriend (now Fiance') proposed... After 9 years he's making an honest woman out of me it seems. We are very excited about planning this big and special day!

I won't be turning this into a wedding blog, but I may do some wedding related posts. I've already started my wedding inspiration board on Pinterest which I was so excited about getting to do :)

Here is the lovely location that he proposed, we saw 2 Whales that day! I've never seen a Whale so it was so special to me, and we were lucky to have a beautifully sunny Sydney day (such a rarity!)

I haven't gotten my real ring yet, he's letting me pick that and i'm currently debating on a mined diamond or a man made diamond (ethical reasons...and cost!). In the meantime I have a little placeholder, just made from CZ :)

Here is a mega cheesey picture of Shane and I, we were responding to a picture message that my aunty and cousin sent us...I look like shit but it was a big day (and I was getting sick!).


  1. This is such exciting news! Congratulations, and have fun - planning a wedding can be incredibly stressful, but it should be so enjoyable! x

  2. Massive congratulations to you both Anita!

  3. Eeeeeeeek a huge congratulations again to you and Shane!!!!! About time he made you an honest woman LOL. I am so excited and happy for you both *HUGE HUGS* What a gorgeous location and day he chose to pop the question.

    You, Tara and I can be non-bridezillas together now!!!

  4. YAY! Congrats to you two!

    Btw what polish are you wearing here? Can't post a pic and not tell ;)

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you both xx


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